Executive coaching

Stress relief Packs

Companies carefully select their managers and the "key" people, they have everything needed for the companye optimal development, but stress has great negative effects on people.


What is a manager capable of, without stress?


Stress blocks initiative, reduces performance and collaboration, a manager with stress has little energy and if his level is very high .. can lead to depression, stress is the worst enemy of managers, "key" people as designers and creatives, can not perform their tasks easily when they suffer stress,  under stress they are in their "dark side" and therefore they can not "shine." Our anti stress program is very useful for all of them and they welcome it because it offers positive results to their lives and emotions immediatly.


Wingwave® coaching is a gift from the Company to their top management.

The VIP Pack

It consists of 1 weekly session of 50 minutes for 3 consecutive weeks to each member of the Management and key people of the company, the VIP Pack is recommended for managers and "key" people whose initial stress level is 6 - 7 and want to lower it to a level 3, so is sustainable and enough for a good performance on their daily activity.

The GOLD Pack

It consists of 1 weekly session of 50 minutes for 6 consecutive weeks to each member of the Management and key person of the company, the GOLD Pack is recommended for managers and key people of the company whose initial stress level is at 8-9 and want to lower it to level 3, so is sustainable and enough for a good performance of their daily activity.

In some cases managers have different levels of initial stress, combining VIP and GOLD  Packs is possible and recommended.

To start the process all managers "at same time" helps to change the Manager's system's ecology for all of them simultaneously, offers the maximum advantages of the stress reduction program.

By lowering stress levels, self-esteem growth, empathy, positivism and teamwork will give "inertia" to the process initiated.




"We are all like an acorn that contains within all the potential to become a majestic oak.

We need food, stimulation and light to grow, but the oak is already inside us."   

                                                                           John whitmore