How would your life be without stress?

Wingwave® coaching is a rapid and easy coaching method, the results are inmediate, starting from the very first coaching session, you will get the benefit of a lasting change.

At  Acció Coaching we do not give courses, we do "the most pure" wingwave® coaching, the individual sessions, with wingwave ® coaching to reduce your stress level from 8 to 3 in a scale of 0 to 10 becomes easy and simple, to empower yourself, focus on what you want, all in a very positive attitude becomes easy.


Personal Coaching

We all have areas we would like to improve in our lives, to pass a test, to achieve work targets, improve our couple relations or to grow  ourselves are some of them.

In our wingwave ® coaching sesions you will move towards geting your goals.

Executives Coaching

Most executives suffer from stres, to reduce stres allows them to freely develope all their potential and be efective an happy at work.

there is an specific wingwave ® program for executive stres reducction.

Adictions Coaching

With our wingwave® coaching adictions program you will win your adiction/s, without internment, you only need to come to your sesions with an open mind, willing to work for you. 

will you allow as to acompain you in your trip?


  Take the first step! Come and see us!, the first visit is free, will you let it go?